Institutional Ownership

Institutional (Form 13F) Data API

SEC Filing Ownership
Updated every few seconds
Up to 5,000 new records per month, with quarterly peaks

What is Form 13F?

Form 13F, or 13F-HR, is a quarterly report that institutional investment managers with assets of over $100 million must file with the SEC. The form provides information about the investment manager's holdings of securities, including the name of the issuer, the class of security, a security identifier, the number of shares held, and the total market value of the holding.

The purpose of Form 13F is to provide transparency into the investment activities of institutional investment managers, such as hedge funds, mutual funds, and pension funds. The information provided in the form can be useful for investors and companies to better understand the investment strategies of these managers and to identify potential investment opportunities.

Managers must disclose their holdings of certain equity securities, including exchange-traded funds, stocks, and options. However, it does not include all types of investments, such as bonds, commodities, currencies, or derivatives. Additionally, there are certain exemptions for investments held for short-term trading purposes, as well as for investments in certain types of companies, such as foreign companies or companies with fewer than 10,000 public float shares. It is important to note that Form 13F reports are filed quarterly, with a time lag of 45 days after the end of each quarter.

The types of institutional investment managers that must file Form 13F include banks, insurance companies, investment advisers, and any other entity that exercises investment discretion over accounts with a total fair market value of $100 million or more.

The Institutional Data API

Form 13F data is filed with the SEC every market day, throughout the year, with up to thousands of new filings per day. Filings are largely concentrated in a few weeks after the end of each quarter, given the 45 day rule for filing. Our API exposes 20 years of comprehensive Form 13F data, and can be queried by institutional manager or by company/stock. New data is available via the API within a few seconds of a new filing being published by the SEC.

Form 13F API Docs

Why is Form 13F data useful?

Investors can use historical Form 13F data to research the institutional ownership of a company's stock by identifying the institutions that hold the largest positions over time, and therefore see which institutions are bullish or bearish on a particular stock and adjust their investment strategies accordingly. By aggregating the ownership data for each institution, investors can get a better sense of the overall sentiment towards a particular stock. Investors can also compare the ownership data of multiple companies in the same industry or sector to see which companies are favored by institutional investors.

Companies can also use Form 13F data to identify potential investors and to monitor the investment activities of their existing shareholders. By analyzing the data provided in the form, companies can gain insights into the investment strategies and priorities of institutional investors and adjust their own strategies.

Example API Data

  "data": [
      "sourceReference": {
        "source": "filing",
        "filename": "0001062993-20-000008.txt",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2020-01-02T21:41:55.000Z",
        "ciks": [
      "coverPage": {
        "reportCalendarOrQuarter": "2019-12-31T05:00:00.000Z",
        "newOrAmendment": {
          "kind": "new"
        "filingManager": {
          "name": "Meditor Group Ltd",
          "address": {
            "street1": "WESSEX HOUSE, 3RD FLOOR",
            "street2": "45 REID STREET",
            "city": "HAMILTON",
            "stateOrCountry": "D0",
            "zipCode": "HM12"
        "reportType": "13F HOLDINGS REPORT",
        "form13FFileNumber": "028-14675",
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      "documents": [],
      "filerInformation": {
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        "periodOfReport": "2019-12-31T05:00:00.000Z"
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        "text": "Brian Desmond",
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        "date": "2020-01-02T05:00:00.000Z"
      "submissionType": "13F-HR",
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        "filename": "0001107576-20-000001.txt",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2020-01-06T19:01:34.000Z",
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          "cusip": "808524805",
          "value": 1355,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 39977
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          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 39977,
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            "none": 0
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          "titleOfClass": "COM",
          "cusip": "037833100",
          "value": 434,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
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          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 1445,
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          "titleOfClass": "COM",
          "cusip": "594918104",
          "value": 249,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 1549
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      "signatureBlock": {
        "name": "Patricia Hall",
        "title": "CCO",
        "phone": "919-821-5225",
        "text": "Patricia Hall",
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        "date": "2020-01-06T05:00:00.000Z"
      "submissionType": "13F-HR",
      "summaryPage": {
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        "tableValueTotal": 145039,
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      "sourceReference": {
        "source": "filing",
        "filename": "0001765388-20-000001.txt",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2020-01-06T14:20:22.000Z",
        "ciks": [
      "coverPage": {
        "reportCalendarOrQuarter": "2019-12-31T05:00:00.000Z",
        "newOrAmendment": {
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          "address": {
            "street1": "AMERSHAM COURT",
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            "stateOrCountry": "X0",
            "zipCode": "HP6 5DW"
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        "form13FFileNumber": "028-18978",
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      "filerInformation": {
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        "periodOfReport": "2019-12-31T05:00:00.000Z"
      "informationTable": [
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            "value": 204209
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          "value": 89209,
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            "value": 66604
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        "date": "2020-01-06T05:00:00.000Z"
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        "date": "2020-01-06T15:36:41.000Z",
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            "zipCode": "85251"
        "reportType": "13F HOLDINGS REPORT",
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      "informationTable": [
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