Significant Ownership and Control

Beneficial Ownership (SC 13D and SC 13G) Data API

SEC Filing Ownership
Updated every few seconds
About 1,000 new records per month with an annual peak of up to 18,000 in January

What are Forms SC 13D and SC 13G?

Forms SC 13D and SC 13G are filed with the SEC to report beneficial ownership of more than five percent of a voting class of a company's shares. The filings are required under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and are used to disclose significant accumulations of stock, including details on the holder, the source of funds used for purchases, the purpose of the acquisition, and any plans or proposals that the shareholder has that could relate to the control of the company.

Form SC 13D is filed by beneficial owners who acquire a significant ownership stake and plan to influence or control the direction of the company, while Form SC 13G is a more simplified report that can be used by beneficial owners who have no such intentions.

The Beneficial Ownership Data API

Beneficial ownership data is filed with the SEC every market day, throughout the year, with typically dozens of new filings per day. Our API exposes over 10 years of beneficial data from Forms SC 13D and SC 13G (and amendments) and can be queried by company or individual data record. New data is available via the API within a few seconds of a new filing being published by the SEC.

Beneficial Ownership API Docs

Why is Beneficial Ownership data useful?

Beneficial ownership data provides key insights for investors, analysts, and regulators on who controls significant blocks of company shares. Here are some ways this data is used:

Example API Data

  "data": [
      "sourceReference": {
        "source": "filing",
        "filename": "0001437749-24-009204.txt",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2024-03-25T19:05:24.000Z",
        "ciks": [
      "coverPage": {
        "securitiesClassTitle": "Common Stock, $0.0001 par value",
        "dateOfEvent": "2024-03-19T04:00:00.000Z",
        "issuerCUSIP": "81373R109",
        "issuerName": "Track Group, Inc."
      "filer": {
        "cik": "0001591173",
        "name": "Conrent Invest S.A."
      "reportingPersons": [
          "reportingPersonName": [
            "Conrent Invest S.A. acting in the name and on behalf of its compartment “Track-PPN” (1)"
          "fundType": [
          "legalProceedings": false,
          "citizenshipOrOrganization": "Luxembourg",
          "soleVotingPower": 1445697,
          "sharedVotingPower": 0,
          "soleDispositivePower": 1445697,
          "sharedDispositivePower": 0,
          "aggregateAmountOwned": 1445697,
          "isAggregateExcludeShares": false,
          "percentOfClass": 12.2,
          "typeOfReportingPerson": [
      "subjectCompany": {
        "cik": "0001045942",
        "name": "Track Group, Inc.",
        "fileNumber": "005-59189"
      "submissionType": "SC 13D/A"
      "sourceReference": {
        "source": "filing",
        "filename": "0001193125-24-075939.txt",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2024-03-25T11:45:26.000Z",
        "ciks": [
      "coverPage": {
        "securitiesClassTitle": "Common Stock, par value $0.0001 per share",
        "dateOfEvent": "2024-03-24T04:00:00.000Z",
        "issuerCUSIP": "87615L107",
        "issuerName": "Target Hospitality Corp."
      "filer": {
        "cik": "0001771172",
        "name": "TDR Capital II Investments LP"
      "reportingPersons": [
          "reportingPersonName": [
            "Manjit Dale"
          "fundType": [
          "legalProceedings": false,
          "citizenshipOrOrganization": "United Kingdom",
          "soleVotingPower": 0,
          "sharedVotingPower": 64602717,
          "soleDispositivePower": 0,
          "sharedDispositivePower": 64602717,
          "aggregateAmountOwned": 64602717,
          "isAggregateExcludeShares": false,
          "percentOfClass": 64.3,
          "typeOfReportingPerson": [
          "reportingPersonName": [
            "Gary Lindsay"
          "fundType": [
          "legalProceedings": false,
          "citizenshipOrOrganization": "United Kingdom",
          "soleVotingPower": 0,
          "sharedVotingPower": 64602717,
          "soleDispositivePower": 0,
          "sharedDispositivePower": 64602717,
          "aggregateAmountOwned": 64602717,
          "isAggregateExcludeShares": false,
          "percentOfClass": 64.3,
          "typeOfReportingPerson": [
          "reportingPersonName": [
            "Thomas Mitchell"
          "fundType": [
          "legalProceedings": false,
          "citizenshipOrOrganization": "United Kingdom",
          "soleVotingPower": 0,
          "sharedVotingPower": 64602717,
          "soleDispositivePower": 0,
          "sharedDispositivePower": 64602717,
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          "isAggregateExcludeShares": false,
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            "TDR Capital LLP"
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          "soleDispositivePower": 0,
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          "isAggregateExcludeShares": false,
          "percentOfClass": 64.3,
          "typeOfReportingPerson": [
          "reportingPersonName": [
            "TDR Capital II Investments L.P"
          "fundType": [
          "legalProceedings": false,
          "citizenshipOrOrganization": "United Kingdom",
          "soleVotingPower": 0,
          "sharedVotingPower": 64602717,
          "soleDispositivePower": 0,
          "sharedDispositivePower": 64602717,
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          "isAggregateExcludeShares": false,
          "percentOfClass": 64.3,
          "typeOfReportingPerson": [
          "reportingPersonName": [
            "Sapphire Holding S.à r.l"
          "fundType": [
          "legalProceedings": false,
          "citizenshipOrOrganization": "Luxembourg",
          "soleVotingPower": 0,
          "sharedVotingPower": 48973852,
          "soleDispositivePower": 0,
          "sharedDispositivePower": 48973852,
          "aggregateAmountOwned": 48973852,
          "isAggregateExcludeShares": false,
          "percentOfClass": 48.7,
          "typeOfReportingPerson": [
          "reportingPersonName": [
            "Arrow Holdings S.à r.l"
          "fundType": [
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          "soleVotingPower": 0,
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          "isAggregateExcludeShares": false,
          "percentOfClass": 48.7,
          "typeOfReportingPerson": [
          "reportingPersonName": [
            "Modulaire Holding S.à r.l. (fka Algeco Holding S.à r.l.)"
          "fundType": [
          "legalProceedings": false,
          "citizenshipOrOrganization": "Luxembourg",
          "soleVotingPower": 0,
          "sharedVotingPower": 15628865,
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          "isAggregateExcludeShares": false,
          "percentOfClass": 15.5,
          "typeOfReportingPerson": [
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            "MFA Limited Partnership SLP (fka Algeco Limited Partnership SLP)"
          "fundType": [
          "legalProceedings": false,
          "citizenshipOrOrganization": "Luxembourg",
          "soleVotingPower": 0,
          "sharedVotingPower": 15628865,
          "soleDispositivePower": 0,
          "sharedDispositivePower": 15628865,
          "aggregateAmountOwned": 15628865,
          "isAggregateExcludeShares": false,
          "percentOfClass": 15.5,
          "typeOfReportingPerson": [
          "reportingPersonName": [
            "MFA Global S.à r.l. (fka Algeco Global S.à r.l.)"
          "fundType": [
          "legalProceedings": false,
          "citizenshipOrOrganization": "Luxembourg",
          "soleVotingPower": 0,
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          "percentOfClass": 15.5,
          "typeOfReportingPerson": [
      "subjectCompany": {
        "cik": "0001712189",
        "name": "Target Hospitality Corp.",
        "fileNumber": "005-90263"
      "submissionType": "SC 13D/A"
      "sourceReference": {
        "source": "filing",
        "filename": "0001178913-24-001049.txt",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2024-03-25T11:41:31.000Z",
        "ciks": [
      "coverPage": {
        "securitiesClassTitle": "Ordinary Shares, NIS 1 par value",
        "dateOfEvent": "2024-03-20T04:00:00.000Z",
        "issuerName": "FORMULA SYSTEMS (1985) LTD."
      "filer": {
        "cik": "0001398346",
      "reportingPersons": [
          "reportingPersonName": [
          "memberOfGroup": "b",
          "fundType": [],
          "citizenshipOrOrganization": "Israel",
          "sharedVotingPower": 769234,
          "sharedDispositivePower": 769234,
          "aggregateAmountOwned": 769234,
          "isAggregateExcludeShares": false,
          "percentOfClass": 5.01,
          "typeOfReportingPerson": [
      "subjectCompany": {
        "cik": "0001045986",
        "name": "FORMULA SYSTEMS (1985) LTD",
        "fileNumber": "005-56313"
      "submissionType": "SC 13G/A"
      "sourceReference": {
        "source": "filing",
        "filename": "0001104659-24-038196.txt",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2024-03-25T12:58:35.000Z",
        "ciks": [
      "coverPage": {
        "securitiesClassTitle": "Ordinary Shares, $0.0001 par value",
        "dateOfEvent": "2024-03-14T04:00:00.000Z",
        "issuerCUSIP": "G1117K114",
        "issuerName": "Bioceres Crop Solutions Corp."
      "filer": {
        "cik": "0001954863",
        "name": "Bioceres Group PLC"
      "reportingPersons": [
          "reportingPersonName": [
            "Bioceres Group PLC"
          "fundType": [],
          "legalProceedings": false,
          "citizenshipOrOrganization": "England and Wales",
          "soleVotingPower": 1927391,
          "sharedVotingPower": 28903241,
          "soleDispositivePower": 1927391,
          "sharedDispositivePower": 25736096,
          "aggregateAmountOwned": 30830632,
          "isAggregateExcludeShares": false,
          "percentOfClass": 49.1,
          "typeOfReportingPerson": [
          "reportingPersonName": [
            "Bioceres LLC"
          "fundType": [],
          "legalProceedings": false,
          "citizenshipOrOrganization": "Delaware",
          "sharedVotingPower": 23903241,
          "sharedDispositivePower": 20736096,
          "aggregateAmountOwned": 23903241,
          "isAggregateExcludeShares": false,
          "percentOfClass": 38.1,
          "typeOfReportingPerson": [
          "reportingPersonName": [
            "THEO I SCSp"
          "fundType": [],
          "legalProceedings": false,
          "citizenshipOrOrganization": "Grand Duchy of Luxembourg",
          "sharedVotingPower": 5000000,
          "sharedDispositivePower": 5000000,
          "aggregateAmountOwned": 5000000,
          "isAggregateExcludeShares": false,
          "percentOfClass": 8,
          "typeOfReportingPerson": [
      "subjectCompany": {
        "cik": "0001769484",
        "name": "Bioceres Crop Solutions Corp.",
        "fileNumber": "005-90962"
      "submissionType": "SC 13D/A"
      "sourceReference": {
        "source": "filing",
        "filename": "0001213900-24-025309.txt",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2024-03-25T13:12:49.000Z",
        "ciks": [
      "coverPage": {
        "securitiesClassTitle": "Common Shares",
        "dateOfEvent": "2024-03-22T04:00:00.000Z",
        "issuerCUSIP": "57630J304",
        "issuerName": "Greenwave Technology Solutions, Inc."
      "filer": {
        "cik": "0001952100",
        "name": "Reda Joseph"
      "reportingPersons": [
          "reportingPersonName": [
            "Joseph Reda"
          "fundType": [],
          "citizenshipOrOrganization": "U.S.",
          "soleVotingPower": 3500000,
          "soleDispositivePower": 3500000,
          "aggregateAmountOwned": 3500000,
          "percentOfClass": 9.119,
          "typeOfReportingPerson": [
      "subjectCompany": {
        "cik": "0001589149",
        "name": "Greenwave Technology Solutions, Inc.",
        "fileNumber": "005-89387"
      "submissionType": "SC 13G"
      "sourceReference": {
        "source": "filing",
        "filename": "0001968076-24-000010.txt",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2024-03-25T14:26:04.000Z",
        "ciks": [
      "coverPage": {
        "securitiesClassTitle": "Common Stock, par value $0.001 per share",
        "dateOfEvent": "2024-03-19T04:00:00.000Z",
        "issuerCUSIP": "10807Q700",
        "issuerName": "BRIDGELINE DIGITAL, INC."
      "filer": {
        "cik": "0001968076",
        "name": "Jacobsen Per A."
      "reportingPersons": [
          "reportingPersonName": [
            "Per A. Jacobsen"
          "fundType": [],
          "citizenshipOrOrganization": "Maryland",
          "soleVotingPower": 757500,
          "sharedVotingPower": 0,
          "soleDispositivePower": 757500,
          "sharedDispositivePower": 0,
          "aggregateAmountOwned": 757500,
          "isAggregateExcludeShares": false,
          "percentOfClass": 7.2,
          "typeOfReportingPerson": [
      "subjectCompany": {
        "cik": "0001378590",
        "name": "Bridgeline Digital, Inc.",
        "fileNumber": "005-82964"
      "submissionType": "SC 13G/A"
      "sourceReference": {
        "source": "filing",
        "filename": "0001104659-24-038246.txt",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2024-03-25T15:04:30.000Z",
        "ciks": [
      "coverPage": {
        "securitiesClassTitle": "Class A Common Stock",
        "dateOfEvent": "2024-03-14T04:00:00.000Z",
        "issuerCUSIP": "612160101",
        "issuerName": "Montana Technologies Corporation"
      "filer": {
        "cik": "0001296324",
        "name": "PALLOTTA JAMES J"
      "reportingPersons": [
          "reportingPersonName": [
            "James J. Pallotta"
          "fundType": [],
          "citizenshipOrOrganization": "Florida",
          "soleVotingPower": 3507095,
          "sharedVotingPower": 0,
          "soleDispositivePower": 3507095,
          "sharedDispositivePower": 0,
          "aggregateAmountOwned": 3507095,
          "isAggregateExcludeShares": false,
          "percentOfClass": 7.15,
          "typeOfReportingPerson": [
      "subjectCompany": {
        "cik": "0001855474",
        "name": "Montana Technologies Corp.",
        "fileNumber": "005-93201"
      "submissionType": "SC 13G"
      "sourceReference": {
        "source": "filing",
        "filename": "0001104659-24-038400.txt",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2024-03-25T19:35:52.000Z",
        "ciks": [
      "coverPage": {
        "securitiesClassTitle": "Common Stock, par value $0.0001 per share",
        "dateOfEvent": "2024-03-15T04:00:00.000Z",
        "issuerCUSIP": "09090D103",
        "issuerName": "BiomX Inc."
      "filer": {
        "cik": "0001830842",
        "name": "AMR Action Fund, L.P."
      "reportingPersons": [
          "reportingPersonName": [
            "AMR Action Fund, L.P"
          "fundType": [],
          "citizenshipOrOrganization": "Delaware",
          "soleVotingPower": 0,
          "sharedVotingPower": 3054870,
          "soleDispositivePower": 0,
          "sharedDispositivePower": 3054870,
          "aggregateAmountOwned": 3054870,
          "isAggregateExcludeShares": false,
          "percentOfClass": 5.5,
          "typeOfReportingPerson": [
          "reportingPersonName": [
            "AMR Action Fund GP, LLC"
          "fundType": [],
          "citizenshipOrOrganization": "Delaware",
          "soleVotingPower": 0,
          "sharedVotingPower": 3054870,
          "soleDispositivePower": 0,
          "sharedDispositivePower": 3054870,
          "aggregateAmountOwned": 3054870,
          "isAggregateExcludeShares": false,
          "percentOfClass": 5.5,
          "typeOfReportingPerson": [
          "reportingPersonName": [
            "AMR Action Fund, SCSp"
          "fundType": [],
          "citizenshipOrOrganization": "Luxembourg",
          "soleVotingPower": 0,
          "sharedVotingPower": 3054870,
          "soleDispositivePower": 0,
          "sharedDispositivePower": 3054870,
          "aggregateAmountOwned": 3054870,
          "isAggregateExcludeShares": false,
          "percentOfClass": 5.5,
          "typeOfReportingPerson": [
          "reportingPersonName": [
            "AMR Action Fund, S.a r.l"
          "fundType": [],
          "citizenshipOrOrganization": "Luxembourg",
          "soleVotingPower": 0,
          "sharedVotingPower": 3054870,
          "soleDispositivePower": 0,
          "sharedDispositivePower": 3054870,
          "aggregateAmountOwned": 3054870,
          "isAggregateExcludeShares": false,
          "percentOfClass": 5.5,
          "typeOfReportingPerson": [
      "subjectCompany": {
        "cik": "0001739174",
        "name": "BiomX Inc.",
        "fileNumber": "005-90744"
      "submissionType": "SC 13G"
      "sourceReference": {
        "source": "filing",
        "filename": "0001079973-24-000418.txt",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2024-03-25T20:01:14.000Z",
        "ciks": [
      "coverPage": {
        "securitiesClassTitle": "American Depository Shares, representing Class A Ordinary Shares, par value $0.005",
        "dateOfEvent": "2024-03-13T04:00:00.000Z",
        "issuerCUSIP": "83587W205",
        "issuerName": "SOS Limited"
      "filer": {
        "cik": "0001702202",
        "name": "L1 Capital Global Opportunities Master Fund, Ltd."
      "reportingPersons": [
          "reportingPersonName": [
            "L1 Capital Global Opportunities Master Fund, Ltd"
          "fundType": [],
          "citizenshipOrOrganization": "Cayman Islands ",
          "soleVotingPower": 1744444,
          "sharedVotingPower": 0,
          "soleDispositivePower": 1744444,
          "sharedDispositivePower": 0,
          "aggregateAmountOwned": 1744444,
          "isAggregateExcludeShares": false,
          "percentOfClass": 9.97,
          "typeOfReportingPerson": []
      "subjectCompany": {
        "cik": "0001346610",
        "name": "SOS Ltd",
        "fileNumber": "005-90300"
      "submissionType": "SC 13G"
      "sourceReference": {
        "source": "filing",
        "filename": "0001079973-24-000420.txt",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2024-03-25T20:01:15.000Z",
        "ciks": [
      "coverPage": {
        "securitiesClassTitle": "American Depository Shares, representing Class A Ordinary Shares, par value $0.005",
        "dateOfEvent": "2024-03-13T04:00:00.000Z",
        "issuerCUSIP": "83587W205",
        "issuerName": "SOS Limited"
      "filer": {
        "cik": "0001890802",
        "name": "S.H.N. Financial Investments Ltd."
      "reportingPersons": [
          "reportingPersonName": [
            "S.H.N. Financial Investments Ltd"
          "fundType": [],
          "citizenshipOrOrganization": "Israel ",
          "soleVotingPower": 1744444,
          "sharedVotingPower": 0,
          "soleDispositivePower": 1744444,
          "sharedDispositivePower": 0,
          "aggregateAmountOwned": 1744444,
          "isAggregateExcludeShares": false,
          "percentOfClass": 9.97,
          "typeOfReportingPerson": [
      "subjectCompany": {
        "cik": "0001346610",
        "name": "SOS Ltd",
        "fileNumber": "005-90300"
      "submissionType": "SC 13G"
  "metadata": {
    "total": 983,
    "count": 10,
    "page": 1,
    "pages": 99

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