Crowdfunding Offering Statement

Form C Data API

SEC Filing Securities
Updated every few seconds
Up to 200 new records per month

What is Form C?

Form C is a document that companies must file with the SEC when they conduct a securities offering under Regulation Crowdfunding. This regulation allows companies to raise up to $5 million in a 12-month period from both accredited and non-accredited investors through crowdfunding platforms registered with the SEC.

Form C provides important information about the company, including its business and financial condition, the terms of the offering, the planned use of the proceeds, and the risks associated with investing in the company. Companies must also disclose information about their directors, officers, and significant shareholders, as well as the terms of any other outstanding securities they have issued.

The types of companies that may file a Form C include startups and early-stage companies that are looking to raise capital from a large number of investors through crowdfunding platforms. These companies may include technology startups, consumer goods companies, and other types of small businesses.

The Form C Data API

Form C data is filed with the SEC every market day, throughout the year, with up to 20 new filings per day. Our API exposes comprehensive Form C data since first filed in 2016, including every data point filed in each filing. New data is available via the API within a few seconds of a new filing being published by the SEC.

Form C API Docs

Why is Form C data useful?

Individual investors and small-scale investors can use Form C data to identify investment opportunities in startups and small businesses that they may not have had access to previously. They can also evaluate the risks associated with investing in these companies and make more informed investment decisions.

Form C data can also be useful to venture capital firms and other investors who are interested in investing in startups and small businesses. By analyzing data from aggregated Form C filings, they can gain insights into the types of companies that are raising capital through crowdfunding, the size and frequency of crowdfunding offerings, and the terms of these offerings. This information can help them identify trends in the crowdfunding market and make more informed investment decisions.

Example API Data

  "data": [
      "sourceReference": {
        "source": "filing",
        "filename": "0001970234-23-000001.txt",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2023-06-23T13:59:36.000Z",
        "ciks": [
      "annualReportDisclosureRequirements": {
        "currentEmployees": 10,
        "mostRecentFiscalYear": {
          "totalAssets": 149970,
          "cashAndEquivalents": 37320,
          "accountsReceivable": 0,
          "shortTermDebt": 337610,
          "longTermDebt": 180005,
          "revenue": 0,
          "costOfGoodsSold": 0,
          "taxesPaid": 0,
          "netIncome": -1617497
        "priorFiscalYear": {
          "totalAssets": 229334,
          "cashAndEquivalents": 20988,
          "accountsReceivable": 0,
          "shortTermDebt": 341499,
          "longTermDebt": 296874,
          "revenue": 0,
          "costOfGoodsSold": 0,
          "taxesPaid": 0,
          "netIncome": -1270604
        "jurisdictionsOfIssuerSecuritiesOfferings": [
      "documents": [],
      "filerInformation": {
        "filer": {
          "cik": "1970234"
        "flags": {
          "isConfirmingCopy": false,
          "wantReturnCopy": false,
          "overrideInternet": false
        "notificationEmails": []
      "issuerInformation": {
        "newOrAmendment": {
          "kind": "new"
        "issuer": {
          "name": "HueDx, Inc.",
          "legalStatus": {
            "form": {
              "kind": "enum",
              "value": "Corporation"
            "jurisdictionOfOrganization": "DE",
            "dateOfIncorporation": "2017-02-14T05:00:00.000Z"
          "address": {
            "street1": "1015 CHESTNUT STREET",
            "street2": "SUITE 1010",
            "city": "PHILADELPHIA",
            "stateOrCountry": "PA",
            "zipCode": "19107"
          "website": ""
        "isCoIssuer": false,
        "coIssuers": [],
        "companyName": "OpenDeal Portal LLC",
        "commissionCIK": "1751525",
        "commissionFileNumber": "007-00167",
        "crdNumber": "283874"
      "offeringInformation": {
        "compensationAmount": "At the conclusion of the Offering, the Issuer shall pay the Intermediary a fee of six percent (6%) of the dollar amount raised in the Offering.",
        "financialInterest": "The Intermediary will also receive compensation in the form of securities equal to two percent (2%) of the total number of the securities sold in the Offering.",
        "securityOfferedType": {
          "kind": "other",
          "value": "Crowd SAFE (Simple Agreement for Future Equity)"
        "numberOfSecuritiesOffered": 50000,
        "price": 1,
        "priceDeterminationMethod": "Arbitrary",
        "offeringAmount": 50000,
        "isOverSubscriptionAccepted": true,
        "overSubscriptionAllocationType": {
          "kind": "other",
          "value": "At the Intermediary's discretion"
        "maximumOfferingAmount": 1235000,
        "deadlineDate": "2023-08-25T04:00:00.000Z"
      "signatureInformation": {
        "issuerSignature": {
          "issuer": "HueDx, Inc.",
          "text": "Mark Wingertzahn",
          "title": "Chief Executive Officer"
        "signaturePersons": [
            "text": "Brianna Wronko-Stevens",
            "title": "Director",
            "date": "2023-06-23T04:00:00.000Z"
            "text": "Mark Wingertzahn",
            "title": "Director",
            "date": "2023-06-23T04:00:00.000Z"
            "text": "Jay Rosan",
            "title": "Director",
            "date": "2023-06-23T04:00:00.000Z"
            "text": "Paul Farr",
            "title": "Director",
            "date": "2023-06-23T04:00:00.000Z"
      "submissionType": "C"
      "sourceReference": {
        "source": "filing",
        "filename": "0001786082-23-000001.txt",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2023-06-21T23:31:42.000Z",
        "ciks": [
      "annualReportDisclosureRequirements": {
        "currentEmployees": 2,
        "mostRecentFiscalYear": {
          "totalAssets": 34636,
          "cashAndEquivalents": 6180,
          "accountsReceivable": 3570,
          "shortTermDebt": 20095,
          "longTermDebt": 33293,
          "revenue": 85372,
          "costOfGoodsSold": 0,
          "taxesPaid": 0,
          "netIncome": -37392
        "priorFiscalYear": {
          "totalAssets": 37975,
          "cashAndEquivalents": 20783,
          "accountsReceivable": 3019,
          "shortTermDebt": 0,
          "longTermDebt": 38234,
          "revenue": 65443,
          "costOfGoodsSold": 0,
          "taxesPaid": 0,
          "netIncome": -18651
        "jurisdictionsOfIssuerSecuritiesOfferings": [
      "documents": [],
      "filerInformation": {
        "filer": {
          "cik": "1786082"
        "flags": {
          "isConfirmingCopy": false,
          "wantReturnCopy": false,
          "overrideInternet": false
        "notificationEmails": []
      "issuerInformation": {
        "newOrAmendment": {
          "kind": "new"
        "issuer": {
          "name": "Nine Spoons, LLC",
          "legalStatus": {
            "form": {
              "kind": "enum",
              "value": "Limited Liability Company"
            "jurisdictionOfOrganization": "OH",
            "dateOfIncorporation": "2015-11-25T05:00:00.000Z"
          "address": {
            "street1": "1089 HOMESTEAD RD",
            "city": "SOUTH EUCLID",
            "stateOrCountry": "OH",
            "zipCode": "44121"
          "website": ""
        "isCoIssuer": false,
        "coIssuers": [],
        "companyName": "SMBX, Inc.",
        "commissionCIK": "1707214",
        "commissionFileNumber": "007-00129",
        "crdNumber": "290186"
      "offeringInformation": {
        "compensationAmount": "SMBX will be charging a capital raise fee of 4.50% (up to $1,125 based on the total amount raised)",
        "financialInterest": "N/A",
        "securityOfferedType": {
          "kind": "enum",
          "value": "Debt"
        "price": 10,
        "priceDeterminationMethod": "This is a debt security and the yield at which the bonds pay interest is determined by the market rate yield range for similar SBA loans in the market as of June 2023. The yield is fixed and determined upfront at 11.00%.",
        "offeringAmount": 20000,
        "isOverSubscriptionAccepted": true,
        "overSubscriptionAllocationType": {
          "kind": "enum",
          "value": "First-come, first-served basis"
        "maximumOfferingAmount": 25000,
        "deadlineDate": "2023-07-26T04:00:00.000Z"
      "signatureInformation": {
        "issuerSignature": {
          "issuer": "Nine Spoons, LLC",
          "text": "Jennifer Ferone",
          "title": "CEO"
        "signaturePersons": [
            "text": "Jennifer Ferone",
            "title": "CEO",
            "date": "2023-06-20T04:00:00.000Z"
      "submissionType": "C"
      "sourceReference": {
        "source": "filing",
        "filename": "0001937156-23-000001.txt",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2023-06-22T14:23:38.000Z",
        "ciks": [
      "annualReportDisclosureRequirements": {
        "currentEmployees": 1,
        "mostRecentFiscalYear": {
          "totalAssets": 1272290,
          "cashAndEquivalents": 595983,
          "accountsReceivable": 0,
          "shortTermDebt": 118134,
          "longTermDebt": 1710000,
          "revenue": 0,
          "costOfGoodsSold": 0,
          "taxesPaid": 0,
          "netIncome": -555844
        "priorFiscalYear": {
          "totalAssets": 0,
          "cashAndEquivalents": 0,
          "accountsReceivable": 0,
          "shortTermDebt": 0,
          "longTermDebt": 0,
          "revenue": 0,
          "costOfGoodsSold": 0,
          "taxesPaid": 0,
          "netIncome": 0
        "jurisdictionsOfIssuerSecuritiesOfferings": [
      "documents": [],
      "filerInformation": {
        "filer": {
          "cik": "1937156"
        "flags": {
          "isConfirmingCopy": false,
          "wantReturnCopy": false,
          "overrideInternet": false
        "notificationEmails": []
      "issuerInformation": {
        "newOrAmendment": {
          "kind": "new"
        "issuer": {
          "name": "TeamUp Money, Inc.",
          "legalStatus": {
            "form": {
              "kind": "enum",
              "value": "Corporation"
            "jurisdictionOfOrganization": "DE",
            "dateOfIncorporation": "2022-03-09T05:00:00.000Z"
          "address": {
            "street1": "841 N 900 W",
            "city": "OREM",
            "stateOrCountry": "UT",
            "zipCode": "84057"
          "website": ""
        "isCoIssuer": false,
        "coIssuers": [],
        "companyName": "OpenDeal Portal LLC",
        "commissionCIK": "1751525",
        "commissionFileNumber": "007-00167",
        "crdNumber": "283874"
      "offeringInformation": {
        "compensationAmount": "At the conclusion of the Offering, the Issuer shall pay the Intermediary a fee of three and one half percent (3.5%) of the dollar amount raised in the Offering.",
        "financialInterest": "The Intermediary will also receive compensation in the form of securities equal to one percent (1%) of the total number of the securities sold in the Offering.",
        "securityOfferedType": {
          "kind": "other",
          "value": "Crowd SAFE (Simple Agreement for Future Equity)"
        "numberOfSecuritiesOffered": 25000,
        "price": 1,
        "priceDeterminationMethod": "Arbitrary",
        "offeringAmount": 25000,
        "isOverSubscriptionAccepted": true,
        "overSubscriptionAllocationType": {
          "kind": "other",
          "value": "Other: At the Intermediary's discretion"
        "maximumOfferingAmount": 1235000,
        "deadlineDate": "2023-08-22T04:00:00.000Z"
      "signatureInformation": {
        "issuerSignature": {
          "issuer": "TeamUp Money, Inc.",
          "text": "Alan Akina",
          "title": "Chief Executive Officer"
        "signaturePersons": [
            "text": "Alan Akina",
            "title": "Chief Executive Officer, Sole Director",
            "date": "2023-06-22T04:00:00.000Z"
      "submissionType": "C"
      "sourceReference": {
        "source": "filing",
        "filename": "0001665160-23-001437.txt",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2023-06-22T20:30:26.000Z",
        "ciks": [
      "annualReportDisclosureRequirements": {
        "currentEmployees": 20,
        "mostRecentFiscalYear": {
          "totalAssets": 8900545,
          "cashAndEquivalents": 372302,
          "accountsReceivable": 695626,
          "shortTermDebt": 6796430,
          "longTermDebt": 226605,
          "revenue": 29579543,
          "costOfGoodsSold": 25085839,
          "taxesPaid": 163303,
          "netIncome": 396210
        "priorFiscalYear": {
          "totalAssets": 7865252,
          "cashAndEquivalents": 391464,
          "accountsReceivable": 30266,
          "shortTermDebt": 6379557,
          "longTermDebt": 0,
          "revenue": 42552927,
          "costOfGoodsSold": 37947745,
          "taxesPaid": 81074,
          "netIncome": 840137
        "jurisdictionsOfIssuerSecuritiesOfferings": [
      "documents": [],
      "filerInformation": {
        "filer": {
          "cik": "1682510"
        "flags": {
          "isConfirmingCopy": false,
          "wantReturnCopy": false,
          "overrideInternet": false
        "notificationEmails": []
      "issuerInformation": {
        "newOrAmendment": {
          "kind": "new"
        "issuer": {
          "name": "Splash Wines, Inc.",
          "legalStatus": {
            "form": {
              "kind": "enum",
              "value": "Corporation"
            "jurisdictionOfOrganization": "ID",
            "dateOfIncorporation": "2014-10-02T04:00:00.000Z"
          "address": {
            "street1": "52 N Palmetto Avenue, Suite #106",
            "city": "Eagle",
            "stateOrCountry": "ID",
            "zipCode": "83616"
          "website": ""
        "isCoIssuer": false,
        "coIssuers": [],
        "companyName": "StartEngine Capital, LLC",
        "commissionCIK": "1665160",
        "commissionFileNumber": "007-00007"
      "offeringInformation": {
        "compensationAmount": "Up to 9% percent",
        "financialInterest": "Three percent (3%) of securities of the total amount of investments raised in the offering, along the same terms as investors.",
        "securityOfferedType": {
          "kind": "enum",
          "value": "Common Stock"
        "numberOfSecuritiesOffered": 8021,
        "price": 1.87,
        "priceDeterminationMethod": "N/A",
        "offeringAmount": 14999.27,
        "isOverSubscriptionAccepted": true,
        "overSubscriptionAllocationType": {
          "kind": "other",
          "value": "At issuer's discretion, with priority given to StartEngine Owners"
        "maximumOfferingAmount": 617995.73,
        "deadlineDate": "2023-09-21T04:00:00.000Z"
      "signatureInformation": {
        "issuerSignature": {
          "issuer": "Splash Wines, Inc.",
          "text": "Robert Mackay Imeson",
          "title": "CEO and Founder, Director"
        "signaturePersons": [
            "text": "Robert Mackay Imeson",
            "title": "CEO and Founder, Director",
            "date": "2023-06-22T04:00:00.000Z"
            "text": "Michael Beane",
            "title": "CFO",
            "date": "2023-06-22T04:00:00.000Z"
            "text": "Patrick William Mackay Imeson",
            "title": "Director",
            "date": "2023-06-22T04:00:00.000Z"
            "text": "Bruce Samuel Cunningham",
            "title": "President, Director",
            "date": "2023-06-22T04:00:00.000Z"
            "text": "Abigail Knox Berman",
            "title": "Director",
            "date": "2023-06-22T04:00:00.000Z"
            "text": "Trevor Pettennude",
            "title": "Director",
            "date": "2023-06-22T04:00:00.000Z"
      "submissionType": "C"
      "sourceReference": {
        "source": "filing",
        "filename": "0001670254-23-000655.txt",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2023-06-21T21:40:05.000Z",
        "ciks": [
      "annualReportDisclosureRequirements": {
        "currentEmployees": 1,
        "mostRecentFiscalYear": {
          "totalAssets": 79880,
          "cashAndEquivalents": 62038,
          "accountsReceivable": 17842,
          "shortTermDebt": 49753,
          "longTermDebt": 16200,
          "revenue": 128966,
          "costOfGoodsSold": 10194,
          "taxesPaid": 0,
          "netIncome": 1757
        "priorFiscalYear": {
          "totalAssets": 79233,
          "cashAndEquivalents": 71065,
          "accountsReceivable": 8168,
          "shortTermDebt": 50863,
          "longTermDebt": 16200,
          "revenue": 47747,
          "costOfGoodsSold": 8444,
          "taxesPaid": 0,
          "netIncome": -34300
        "jurisdictionsOfIssuerSecuritiesOfferings": [
      "documents": [],
      "filerInformation": {
        "filer": {
          "cik": "1980929"
        "flags": {
          "isConfirmingCopy": false,
          "wantReturnCopy": false,
          "overrideInternet": true
        "notificationEmails": []
      "issuerInformation": {
        "newOrAmendment": {
          "kind": "new"
        "issuer": {
          "name": "Boyte Group, Inc.",
          "legalStatus": {
            "form": {
              "kind": "other",
              "value": "S Corporation"
            "jurisdictionOfOrganization": "DE",
            "dateOfIncorporation": "2019-05-17T04:00:00.000Z"
          "address": {
            "street1": "495 Campbell Road",
            "city": "Carthage",
            "stateOrCountry": "NC",
            "zipCode": "28327"
          "website": ""
        "isCoIssuer": true,
        "coIssuers": [
            "isEdgarFiler": false,
            "name": "Active Defender I, a series of Wefunder SPV, LLC",
            "legalStatus": {
              "form": {
                "kind": "enum",
                "value": "Limited Liability Company"
              "jurisdictionOfOrganization": "DE",
              "dateOfIncorporation": "2023-06-21T04:00:00.000Z"
            "address": {
              "street1": "4104 24TH ST",
              "street2": "PMB 8113",
              "city": "San Francisco",
              "stateOrCountry": "CA",
              "zipCode": "94114"
            "website": ""
            "isEdgarFiler": false,
            "name": "Active Defender I EB, a series of Wefunder SPV, LLC",
            "legalStatus": {
              "form": {
                "kind": "enum",
                "value": "Limited Liability Company"
              "jurisdictionOfOrganization": "DE",
              "dateOfIncorporation": "2023-06-21T04:00:00.000Z"
            "address": {
              "street1": "4104 24TH ST",
              "street2": "PMB 8113",
              "city": "San Francisco",
              "stateOrCountry": "CA",
              "zipCode": "94114"
            "website": ""
        "companyName": "Wefunder Portal LLC",
        "commissionCIK": "1670254",
        "commissionFileNumber": "007-00033",
        "crdNumber": "283503"
      "offeringInformation": {
        "compensationAmount": "7.5% of the offering amount upon a successful fundraise, and be entitled to reimbursement for out-of-pocket third party expenses it pays or incurs on behalf of the Issuer in connection with the offering.",
        "financialInterest": "No",
        "securityOfferedType": {
          "kind": "other",
          "value": "Simple Agreement for Future Equity (SAFE)"
        "numberOfSecuritiesOffered": 50000,
        "price": 1,
        "priceDeterminationMethod": "Pro-rated portion of the total principal value of $50,000; interests will be sold in increments of $1; each investment is convertible to one share of stock as described under Item 13.",
        "offeringAmount": 50000,
        "isOverSubscriptionAccepted": true,
        "overSubscriptionAllocationType": {
          "kind": "other",
          "value": "As determined by the issuer"
        "maximumOfferingAmount": 1200000,
        "deadlineDate": "2024-04-29T04:00:00.000Z"
      "signatureInformation": {
        "issuerSignature": {
          "issuer": "Boyte Group, Inc.",
          "text": "Jim Boyte",
          "title": "Founder & CEO"
        "signaturePersons": [
            "text": "Jeffrey Bunder",
            "title": "Board Member",
            "date": "2023-06-21T04:00:00.000Z"
            "text": "Clifton Talley",
            "title": "Chief Operating Officer",
            "date": "2023-06-21T04:00:00.000Z"
            "text": "Christopher Maxwell",
            "title": "Project Engineer/Board Member",
            "date": "2023-06-20T04:00:00.000Z"
            "text": "Joe Haas",
            "title": "Board member",
            "date": "2023-06-20T04:00:00.000Z"
            "text": "Jim Boyte",
            "title": "Founder & CEO",
            "date": "2023-06-20T04:00:00.000Z"
      "submissionType": "C"
      "sourceReference": {
        "source": "filing",
        "filename": "0001670254-23-000658.txt",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2023-06-22T00:27:31.000Z",
        "ciks": [
      "annualReportDisclosureRequirements": {
        "currentEmployees": 2,
        "mostRecentFiscalYear": {
          "totalAssets": 335168,
          "cashAndEquivalents": 112627,
          "accountsReceivable": 0,
          "shortTermDebt": 153344,
          "longTermDebt": 145000,
          "revenue": 78202,
          "costOfGoodsSold": 18231,
          "taxesPaid": 0,
          "netIncome": -1460288
        "priorFiscalYear": {
          "totalAssets": 454992,
          "cashAndEquivalents": 220200,
          "accountsReceivable": 0,
          "shortTermDebt": 24880,
          "longTermDebt": 145000,
          "revenue": 0,
          "costOfGoodsSold": 0,
          "taxesPaid": 0,
          "netIncome": -951643
        "jurisdictionsOfIssuerSecuritiesOfferings": [
      "documents": [],
      "filerInformation": {
        "filer": {
          "cik": "1979102"
        "flags": {
          "isConfirmingCopy": false,
          "wantReturnCopy": false,
          "overrideInternet": true
        "notificationEmails": []
      "issuerInformation": {
        "newOrAmendment": {
          "kind": "new"
        "issuer": {
          "name": "FirmTech, Inc.",
          "legalStatus": {
            "form": {
              "kind": "enum",
              "value": "Corporation"
            "jurisdictionOfOrganization": "DE",
            "dateOfIncorporation": "2020-09-16T04:00:00.000Z"
          "address": {
            "street1": "7446 South Cottonwood Road",
            "city": "Bozeman",
            "stateOrCountry": "MT",
            "zipCode": "59718"
          "website": ""
        "isCoIssuer": true,
        "coIssuers": [
            "isEdgarFiler": false,
            "name": "FirmTech I, a series of Wefunder SPV, LLC",
            "legalStatus": {
              "form": {
                "kind": "enum",
                "value": "Limited Liability Company"
              "jurisdictionOfOrganization": "DE",
              "dateOfIncorporation": "2023-06-21T04:00:00.000Z"
            "address": {
              "street1": "4104 24TH ST",
              "street2": "PMB 8113",
              "city": "San Francisco",
              "stateOrCountry": "CA",
              "zipCode": "94114"
            "website": ""
        "companyName": "Wefunder Portal LLC",
        "commissionCIK": "1670254",
        "commissionFileNumber": "007-00033",
        "crdNumber": "283503"
      "offeringInformation": {
        "compensationAmount": "7.5% of the offering amount upon a successful fundraise, and be entitled to reimbursement for out-of-pocket third party expenses it pays or incurs on behalf of the Issuer in connection with the offering.",
        "financialInterest": "No",
        "securityOfferedType": {
          "kind": "enum",
          "value": "Common Stock"
        "numberOfSecuritiesOffered": 14,
        "price": 3600,
        "priceDeterminationMethod": "Dividing pre-money valuation $15,966,000.00 by number of shares outstanding on fully diluted basis.",
        "offeringAmount": 50400,
        "isOverSubscriptionAccepted": true,
        "overSubscriptionAllocationType": {
          "kind": "other",
          "value": "As determined by the issuer"
        "maximumOfferingAmount": 1234800,
        "deadlineDate": "2024-04-29T04:00:00.000Z"
      "signatureInformation": {
        "issuerSignature": {
          "issuer": "FirmTech, Inc.",
          "text": "Elliot Justin",
          "title": "CEO"
        "signaturePersons": [
            "text": "Zach Lahn",
            "title": "None",
            "date": "2023-06-21T04:00:00.000Z"
            "text": "Rachael Kierych",
            "title": "General Counsel",
            "date": "2023-06-20T04:00:00.000Z"
            "text": "Elliot Justin",
            "title": "CEO",
            "date": "2023-06-20T04:00:00.000Z"
      "submissionType": "C"
      "sourceReference": {
        "source": "filing",
        "filename": "0001670254-23-000661.txt",
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            "date": "2023-06-20T04:00:00.000Z"
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            "date": "2023-06-22T04:00:00.000Z"
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