Simple, Fair Pricing

Free Trial

Try the API now, no credit card required
For 30 days


Access everything with no long-term commitment
$49 /month
Cancel any time

Plan Comparison

Free Trial
Professional Pro
20+ years
20+ years
Real-time data
Rate limit (requests)
20 per day
100,000 per day
Max items returned per request
Access all available data sets
30-day trial
Billed monthly, cancel any time

Any questions?

Still have unanswered questions and need to get in touch?

Contact us

If you exceed your daily number of API requests, the API will return an error message to inform you that you've reached your limit. You can log in to your dashboard or check the HTTP headers of any API response to see your usage at any point.

You will never be charged more for exceeding your limit. If you are on the professional plan and find that the current limit isn't high enough for your needs, get in touch and we'll try our best to meet your requirements.

We've tried to keep your options simple with just one paid plan available, which gives you full access to all data sets, at a very high daily rate limit, and should meet most needs.

If you're unsure about our data sets or the technical aspects of the API, we recommend that you start with the free trial to ensure that the API and data meet your needs before upgrading to the paid plan. You will keep the same API key after upgrading to make the process easier.

There are absolutely no long-term commitments or cancellation fees. The professional plan is a monthly subscription that can be easily cancelled at any time. After cancelling you will be able to continue to use your account until the end of the current billing period.

Canceling your monthly subscription is easy, and can be done through a button on your dashboard, or by sending us an email.

At the moment we only offer email-based support due to the small size of our team. All support is answered directly by the developers of the product.

We can help trial and professional users get set up with API integration. Additionally, professional users will get priority in the support queue and have the ability to request new datasets, features and product updates.

Ready to Get Started?

Sign up now and get access to high-quality financial data sets generated from primary sources.

No long-tem subscription, no complex pricing.