Fails-to-Deliver Data API

Unsettled Contracts

All SEC Fails-to-Deliver data since 2009
Updated every two weeks
Over 100,000 new records per month

The Fails-to-Deliver (FTD) Data API endpoint provides developers with a simple interface to query and access Fails-to-Deliver data from the SEC. This endpoint allows you to search FTD records by date, CUSIP, ticker and other properties, and returns structured JSON data for easy integration into your application.

API Endpoint

Supported HTTP methods: GET
Response content type: JSON

Use the API key on your user dashboard to authenticate your requests, using the key=[YOUR_API_KEY] query parameter:[YOUR_API_KEY]

Request Parameters

You can query the endpoint by any Fails-to-Deliver property; see the Response Data Model below for a full list of available properties.

Request Parameters
Standard query parameters, all optional. See the API introduction for more details.
  • property[operator]value: Filter the data based on various data model properties, operators (=, <=, >=, !=, <, >) and values.
  • page: The page number for the set of results you want to retrieve.
  • count: The number of results per page.
  • sortBy: The field you want to sort the results by, in full dotted JSON path syntax.
  • sortOrder: The order you want to sort the results, asc for ascending and desc for descending order.
  • subdocuments: When set to true, for endpoints that contain subdocuments for each result (eg informationTable holdings in 13F data), limit these subdocuments to those that match the subdocument filter conditions.
Request Examples

Return all FTD records for Urban Outfitters (CUSIP 917047102). No sort order is specified, so data is returned by settlement date, most recent first.

Return all FTD records with settlement date after Oct 1 2023 that have 100 or more unsettled shares.>2023-10-01&quantity>=100

Response Data Model

Response type: JSON

The data model for each returned item closely resembles the source "pipe-delimited" data published by the SEC (see References below).

Property Type Enum Values Path
settlementDate date settlementDate
cusip string cusip
ticker string ticker
quantity number quantity
description string description
price number price
fileDate object fileDate
year number fileDate.year
month number fileDate.month
sequenceInMonth number

Response Example

  "data": [
      "cusip": "98987D102",
      "settlementDate": "2023-11-30T05:00:00.000Z",
      "description": "ZYVERSA THERAPEUTICS INC COM S",
      "fileDate": {
        "year": 2023,
        "month": 11,
        "sequenceInMonth": 2
      "price": 0.09,
      "quantity": 19324,
      "ticker": "ZVSA"
      "cusip": "98986M103",
      "settlementDate": "2023-11-30T05:00:00.000Z",
      "description": "ZYNEX, INC. COMMON STOCK (NV)",
      "fileDate": {
        "year": 2023,
        "month": 11,
        "sequenceInMonth": 2
      "price": 9.25,
      "quantity": 71,
      "ticker": "ZYXI"
      "cusip": "98985Y108",
      "settlementDate": "2023-11-30T05:00:00.000Z",
      "description": "ZYMEWORKS INC COM(DE)",
      "fileDate": {
        "year": 2023,
        "month": 11,
        "sequenceInMonth": 2
      "price": 8.82,
      "quantity": 7583,
      "ticker": "ZYME"
      "cusip": "98980M109",
      "settlementDate": "2023-11-30T05:00:00.000Z",
      "description": "ZOMEDICA CORP COM (CANADA)",
      "fileDate": {
        "year": 2023,
        "month": 11,
        "sequenceInMonth": 2
      "price": 0.17,
      "quantity": 212187,
      "ticker": "ZOM"
      "cusip": "98980L101",
      "settlementDate": "2023-11-30T05:00:00.000Z",
      "description": "ZOOM VIDEO COMMUNICATIONS INC",
      "fileDate": {
        "year": 2023,
        "month": 11,
        "sequenceInMonth": 2
      "price": 67.95,
      "quantity": 47,
      "ticker": "ZM"
      "cusip": "98980G102",
      "settlementDate": "2023-11-30T05:00:00.000Z",
      "description": "ZSCALER INC COM",
      "fileDate": {
        "year": 2023,
        "month": 11,
        "sequenceInMonth": 2
      "price": 199.84,
      "quantity": 112526,
      "ticker": "ZS"
      "cusip": "98978N309",
      "settlementDate": "2023-11-30T05:00:00.000Z",
      "description": "ZIVO BIOSCIENCE, INC. COM PAR",
      "fileDate": {
        "year": 2023,
        "month": 11,
        "sequenceInMonth": 2
      "price": 0.55,
      "quantity": 84337,
      "ticker": "ZIVO"
      "cusip": "98973P101",
      "settlementDate": "2023-11-30T05:00:00.000Z",
      "description": "ALAUNOS THERAPEUTICS, INC. COM",
      "fileDate": {
        "year": 2023,
        "month": 11,
        "sequenceInMonth": 2
      "price": 0.07,
      "quantity": 2344,
      "ticker": "TCRT"
      "cusip": "98973A104",
      "settlementDate": "2023-11-30T05:00:00.000Z",
      "description": "ZIONS BANCORPORATION N.A.DEP S",
      "fileDate": {
        "year": 2023,
        "month": 11,
        "sequenceInMonth": 2
      "price": 19.98,
      "quantity": 250,
      "ticker": "ZIONP"
      "cusip": "989701859",
      "settlementDate": "2023-11-30T05:00:00.000Z",
      "description": "ZIONS BANCORP N.A.DEP SHS REPS",
      "fileDate": {
        "year": 2023,
        "month": 11,
        "sequenceInMonth": 2
      "price": 25.76,
      "quantity": 385,
      "ticker": "ZIONO"
  "metadata": {
    "total": 19824788,
    "count": 10,
    "page": 1,
    "pages": 1982479