Institutional (Form 13F) Data API

Institutional Investor Securities Holdings

All Form 13F filings since 2003 (20 years)
Updated every few seconds
Up to 5,000 new records per month

The Institutional Data API endpoint provides developers with a straightforward way to query and access data from SEC Form 13F filings, also known as 13F-HR. This endpoint allows you to search for filings using any Form 13F data point, such as the institutional manager, the CUSIP identifier of a holding, or the value of stock held, and returns structured JSON data for easy integration into your application.

API Endpoint

Supported HTTP methods: GET
Response content type: JSON

Use the API key on your user dashboard to authenticate your requests, using the key=[YOUR_API_KEY] query parameter:[YOUR_API_KEY]

Request Parameters

You can query the endpoint by any Form 13F property; see the Response Data Model below for a full list of available properties.

Request Parameters
Standard query parameters, all optional. See the API introduction for more details.
  • property[operator]value: Filter the data based on various data model properties, operators (=, <=, >=, !=, <, >) and values.
  • page: The page number for the set of results you want to retrieve.
  • count: The number of results per page.
  • sortBy: The field you want to sort the results by, in full dotted JSON path syntax.
  • sortOrder: The order you want to sort the results, asc for ascending and desc for descending order.
  • subdocuments: When set to true, for endpoints that contain subdocuments for each result (eg informationTable holdings in 13F data), limit these subdocuments to those that match the subdocument filter conditions.
Request Examples

Find holdings data for all investment managers who have held Alphabet's Class A stock (CUSIP 02079K305) since 1 Jan 2023. No sort order will be specified, so data will be returned by filing date, most recent first.>=2023-01-01

Find institutional holdings data filed by Berkshire Hathaway Inc (CIK 1067983), most recent first (default sort order).

Response Data Model

Response type: JSON

The data model for each returned item closely resembles the XML of the original filing, converted to JSON syntax. Additionally a sourceReference property contains metadata about the original filing, including the date and CIK(s) of the filing company.

Property Type Enum Values Path
sourceReference object sourceReference
source string
filename string sourceReference.filename
url string sourceReference.url
date date
ciks string[] sourceReference.ciks
schemaVersion string schemaVersion
submissionType string
filerInformation object filerInformation
isDenovoRequest boolean filerInformation.isDenovoRequest
flags object filerInformation.flags
isConfirmingCopy boolean filerInformation.flags.isConfirmingCopy
wantReturnCopy boolean filerInformation.flags.wantReturnCopy
overrideInternet boolean filerInformation.flags.overrideInternet
filer object filerInformation.filer
cik string filerInformation.filer.cik
fileNumber string filerInformation.filer.fileNumber
contact object
name string
phoneNumber string
email string
notificationEmails string[] filerInformation.notificationEmails
periodOfReport date filerInformation.periodOfReport
coverPage object coverPage
reportCalendarOrQuarter date coverPage.reportCalendarOrQuarter
newOrAmendment object coverPage.newOrAmendment
kind string
number number coverPage.newOrAmendment.number
information object coverPage.newOrAmendment.information
type string coverPage.newOrAmendment.information.type
confidentiality object coverPage.newOrAmendment.information.confidentiality
kind string
date date
dateReported date coverPage.newOrAmendment.information.confidentiality.dateReported
filingManager object coverPage.filingManager
name string
address object coverPage.filingManager.address
street1 string coverPage.filingManager.address.street1
street2 string coverPage.filingManager.address.street2
city string
stateOrCountry string coverPage.filingManager.address.stateOrCountry
zipCode string coverPage.filingManager.address.zipCode
reportType string coverPage.reportType
form13FFileNumber string coverPage.form13FFileNumber
crdNumber string coverPage.crdNumber
secFileNumber string coverPage.secFileNumber
otherManagers object[] coverPage.otherManagers
cik string coverPage.otherManagers.cik
form13FFileNumber string coverPage.otherManagers.form13FFileNumber
crdNumber string coverPage.otherManagers.crdNumber
secFileNumber string coverPage.otherManagers.secFileNumber
name string
provideInformationForInstruction5 boolean coverPage.provideInformationForInstruction5
additionalInformation string coverPage.additionalInformation
signatureBlock object signatureBlock
name string
title string signatureBlock.title
phone string
text string signatureBlock.text
city string
stateOrCountry string signatureBlock.stateOrCountry
date date
summaryPage object summaryPage
otherIncludedManagersCount number summaryPage.otherIncludedManagersCount
tableEntryTotal number summaryPage.tableEntryTotal
tableValueTotal number summaryPage.tableValueTotal
isConfidentialInformationOmitted boolean summaryPage.isConfidentialInformationOmitted
otherManagers2 object[] summaryPage.otherManagers2
cik string summaryPage.otherManagers2.cik
form13FFileNumber string summaryPage.otherManagers2.form13FFileNumber
crdNumber string summaryPage.otherManagers2.crdNumber
secFileNumber string summaryPage.otherManagers2.secFileNumber
name string
sequenceNumber number summaryPage.otherManagers2.sequenceNumber
documents object[] documents
conformedName string documents.conformedName
conformedDocumentType string documents.conformedDocumentType
relatedFormType string documents.relatedFormType
description string documents.description
informationTable object[] informationTable
nameOfIssuer string informationTable.nameOfIssuer
titleOfClass string informationTable.titleOfClass
cusip string informationTable.cusip
figi string informationTable.figi
value number informationTable.value
sharesOrPrincipalAmount object informationTable.sharesOrPrincipalAmount
kind string
value number informationTable.sharesOrPrincipalAmount.value
putOrCall string
investmentDiscretion string
otherManager string informationTable.otherManager
votingAuthority object informationTable.votingAuthority
sole number informationTable.votingAuthority.sole
shared number informationTable.votingAuthority.shared
none number informationTable.votingAuthority.none

Response Example

  "data": [
      "sourceReference": {
        "source": "filing",
        "filename": "0001062993-20-000008.txt",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2020-01-02T21:41:55.000Z",
        "ciks": [
      "coverPage": {
        "reportCalendarOrQuarter": "2019-12-31T05:00:00.000Z",
        "newOrAmendment": {
          "kind": "new"
        "filingManager": {
          "name": "Meditor Group Ltd",
          "address": {
            "street1": "WESSEX HOUSE, 3RD FLOOR",
            "street2": "45 REID STREET",
            "city": "HAMILTON",
            "stateOrCountry": "D0",
            "zipCode": "HM12"
        "reportType": "13F HOLDINGS REPORT",
        "form13FFileNumber": "028-14675",
        "otherManagers": [],
        "provideInformationForInstruction5": false
      "documents": [],
      "filerInformation": {
        "isDenovoRequest": false,
        "flags": {
          "isConfirmingCopy": false,
          "wantReturnCopy": true,
          "overrideInternet": false
        "filer": {
          "cik": "1382333"
        "notificationEmails": [],
        "periodOfReport": "2019-12-31T05:00:00.000Z"
      "informationTable": [
          "nameOfIssuer": "EXELIXIS INC",
          "titleOfClass": "COM",
          "cusip": "30161Q104",
          "value": 199507,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 15001073
          "investmentDiscretion": "SOLE",
          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 199507,
            "shared": 0,
            "none": 0
          "nameOfIssuer": "ALKERMES PLC",
          "titleOfClass": "SHS",
          "cusip": "G01767105",
          "value": 13741,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 892400
          "investmentDiscretion": "SOLE",
          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 13741,
            "shared": 0,
            "none": 0
          "nameOfIssuer": "ESPERION THERAPEUTICS INC",
          "titleOfClass": "COM",
          "cusip": "29664W105",
          "value": 120615,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 2679835
          "investmentDiscretion": "SOLE",
          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 120615,
            "shared": 0,
            "none": 0
          "nameOfIssuer": "CELLDEX THERAPEUTICS",
          "titleOfClass": "COM",
          "cusip": "15117B103",
          "value": 708,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 420846
          "investmentDiscretion": "SOLE",
          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 708,
            "shared": 0,
            "none": 0
          "nameOfIssuer": "WISDOMTREE INDIA EARNINGS FUND",
          "titleOfClass": "COM",
          "cusip": "97717W422",
          "value": 7514,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 400000
          "investmentDiscretion": "SOLE",
          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 7514,
            "shared": 0,
            "none": 0
          "nameOfIssuer": "ISHARES MSCI INDIA ETF",
          "titleOfClass": "COM",
          "cusip": "46429B598",
          "value": 8490,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 320000
          "investmentDiscretion": "SOLE",
          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 8490,
            "shared": 0,
            "none": 0
      "signatureBlock": {
        "name": "Brian Desmond",
        "title": "Director, Meditor Group Limited",
        "phone": "4412792080",
        "text": "Brian Desmond",
        "city": "Hamilton",
        "stateOrCountry": "D0",
        "date": "2020-01-02T05:00:00.000Z"
      "submissionType": "13F-HR",
      "summaryPage": {
        "otherIncludedManagersCount": 0,
        "tableEntryTotal": 6,
        "tableValueTotal": 350575,
        "isConfidentialInformationOmitted": false,
        "otherManagers2": []
      "sourceReference": {
        "source": "filing",
        "filename": "0001107576-20-000001.txt",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2020-01-06T19:01:34.000Z",
        "ciks": [
      "coverPage": {
        "reportCalendarOrQuarter": "2019-12-31T05:00:00.000Z",
        "newOrAmendment": {
          "kind": "new"
        "filingManager": {
          "name": "Beacon Wealthcare, Inc",
          "address": {
            "street1": "1633 GLENWOOD AVE",
            "city": "RALEIGH",
            "stateOrCountry": "NC",
            "zipCode": "27608"
        "reportType": "13F HOLDINGS REPORT",
        "form13FFileNumber": "028-05815",
        "otherManagers": [],
        "provideInformationForInstruction5": false
      "documents": [],
      "filerInformation": {
        "isDenovoRequest": false,
        "flags": {
          "isConfirmingCopy": false,
          "wantReturnCopy": true,
          "overrideInternet": false
        "filer": {
          "cik": "1107576"
        "notificationEmails": [],
        "periodOfReport": "2019-12-31T05:00:00.000Z"
      "informationTable": [
          "nameOfIssuer": "Vanguard Ttl Stk",
          "titleOfClass": "ETF",
          "cusip": "922908769",
          "value": 67215,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 407422
          "investmentDiscretion": "SOLE",
          "otherManager": "0",
          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 407422,
            "shared": 0,
            "none": 0
          "nameOfIssuer": "iShs Brclys 7-10Tsy",
          "titleOfClass": "ETF",
          "cusip": "464287440",
          "value": 46855,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 423148
          "investmentDiscretion": "SOLE",
          "otherManager": "0",
          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 423148,
            "shared": 0,
            "none": 0
          "nameOfIssuer": "Schwb Interm Tsy",
          "titleOfClass": "ETF",
          "cusip": "808524854",
          "value": 9564,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 173759
          "investmentDiscretion": "SOLE",
          "otherManager": "0",
          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 173759,
            "shared": 0,
            "none": 0
          "nameOfIssuer": "Vngrd FTSE AllWrd",
          "titleOfClass": "ETF",
          "cusip": "922042775",
          "value": 9055,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 166326
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          "otherManager": "0",
          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 166326,
            "shared": 0,
            "none": 0
          "nameOfIssuer": "Schwab US Brd Mkt",
          "titleOfClass": "ETF",
          "cusip": "808524102",
          "value": 4310,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 55583
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          "otherManager": "0",
          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 55583,
            "shared": 0,
            "none": 0
          "nameOfIssuer": "SPDR Brcy 1-3 T",
          "titleOfClass": "ETF",
          "cusip": "78464A680",
          "value": 4090,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 44718
          "investmentDiscretion": "SOLE",
          "otherManager": "0",
          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 44718,
            "shared": 0,
            "none": 0
          "nameOfIssuer": "SPDR S&P 500",
          "titleOfClass": "ETF",
          "cusip": "78462F103",
          "value": 1912,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 5887
          "investmentDiscretion": "SOLE",
          "otherManager": "0",
          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 5887,
            "shared": 0,
            "none": 0
          "nameOfIssuer": "Schwab Inter Eqty",
          "titleOfClass": "ETF",
          "cusip": "808524805",
          "value": 1355,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 39977
          "investmentDiscretion": "SOLE",
          "otherManager": "0",
          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 39977,
            "shared": 0,
            "none": 0
          "nameOfIssuer": "Apple Computer",
          "titleOfClass": "COM",
          "cusip": "037833100",
          "value": 434,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 1445
          "investmentDiscretion": "SOLE",
          "otherManager": "0",
          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 1445,
            "shared": 0,
            "none": 0
          "nameOfIssuer": "Microsoft",
          "titleOfClass": "COM",
          "cusip": "594918104",
          "value": 249,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 1549
          "investmentDiscretion": "SOLE",
          "otherManager": "0",
          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 1549,
            "shared": 0,
            "none": 0
      "signatureBlock": {
        "name": "Patricia Hall",
        "title": "CCO",
        "phone": "919-821-5225",
        "text": "Patricia Hall",
        "city": "Raleigh",
        "stateOrCountry": "NC",
        "date": "2020-01-06T05:00:00.000Z"
      "submissionType": "13F-HR",
      "summaryPage": {
        "otherIncludedManagersCount": 0,
        "tableEntryTotal": 10,
        "tableValueTotal": 145039,
        "isConfidentialInformationOmitted": false,
        "otherManagers2": []
      "sourceReference": {
        "source": "filing",
        "filename": "0001765388-20-000001.txt",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2020-01-06T14:20:22.000Z",
        "ciks": [
      "coverPage": {
        "reportCalendarOrQuarter": "2019-12-31T05:00:00.000Z",
        "newOrAmendment": {
          "kind": "new"
        "filingManager": {
          "name": "Metropolis Capital Ltd",
          "address": {
            "street1": "AMERSHAM COURT",
            "street2": "154 STATION ROAD",
            "city": "AMERSHAM",
            "stateOrCountry": "X0",
            "zipCode": "HP6 5DW"
        "reportType": "13F HOLDINGS REPORT",
        "form13FFileNumber": "028-18978",
        "otherManagers": [],
        "provideInformationForInstruction5": false
      "documents": [],
      "filerInformation": {
        "isDenovoRequest": false,
        "flags": {
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          "wantReturnCopy": false,
          "overrideInternet": false
        "filer": {
          "cik": "1765388"
        "notificationEmails": [],
        "periodOfReport": "2019-12-31T05:00:00.000Z"
      "informationTable": [
          "nameOfIssuer": "ALLERGAN PLC",
          "titleOfClass": "SHS",
          "cusip": "G0177J108",
          "value": 39039,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 204209
          "investmentDiscretion": "SOLE",
          "otherManager": "0",
          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 204209,
            "shared": 0,
            "none": 0
          "nameOfIssuer": "ALPHABET INC",
          "titleOfClass": "CAP STK CL A",
          "cusip": "02079K305",
          "value": 89209,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 66604
          "investmentDiscretion": "SOLE",
          "otherManager": "0",
          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 66604,
            "shared": 0,
            "none": 0
          "nameOfIssuer": "BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC DEL",
          "titleOfClass": "CL B NEW",
          "cusip": "084670702",
          "value": 104103,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 459616
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          "otherManager": "0",
          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 459616,
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            "none": 0
          "nameOfIssuer": "BOOKING HLDGS INC",
          "titleOfClass": "COM",
          "cusip": "09857L108",
          "value": 56167,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 27349
          "investmentDiscretion": "SOLE",
          "otherManager": "0",
          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 27349,
            "shared": 0,
            "none": 0
          "nameOfIssuer": "CISCO SYS INC",
          "titleOfClass": "COM",
          "cusip": "17275R102",
          "value": 25717,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 536217
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          "otherManager": "0",
          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 536217,
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            "none": 0
          "nameOfIssuer": "HCA HEALTHCARE INC",
          "titleOfClass": "COM",
          "cusip": "40412C101",
          "value": 81616,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 552165
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          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 552165,
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          "nameOfIssuer": "ORACLE CORP",
          "titleOfClass": "COM",
          "cusip": "68389X105",
          "value": 21714,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
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            "value": 409861
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          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 409861,
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            "none": 0
          "nameOfIssuer": "PROGRESSIVE CORP OHIO",
          "titleOfClass": "COM",
          "cusip": "743315103",
          "value": 22762,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 314431
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          "otherManager": "0",
          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 314431,
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            "none": 0
          "nameOfIssuer": "QURATE RETAIL INC",
          "titleOfClass": "COM SER A",
          "cusip": "74915M100",
          "value": 33186,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 3936609
          "investmentDiscretion": "SOLE",
          "otherManager": "0",
          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 3936609,
            "shared": 0,
            "none": 0
          "nameOfIssuer": "RYANAIR HLDGS PLC",
          "titleOfClass": "SPONSORED ADS",
          "cusip": "783513203",
          "value": 130620,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 1490927
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          "votingAuthority": {
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          "nameOfIssuer": "STATE STR CORP",
          "titleOfClass": "COM",
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          "value": 77479,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 979507
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          "votingAuthority": {
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          "nameOfIssuer": "TEXAS INSTRS INC",
          "titleOfClass": "COM",
          "cusip": "882508104",
          "value": 38156,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 297420
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          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 297420,
            "shared": 0,
            "none": 0
      "signatureBlock": {
        "name": "Jonathan Sharkey",
        "title": "COO",
        "phone": "44 01494 911157",
        "text": "Jonathan Sharkey",
        "city": "Amersham",
        "stateOrCountry": "X0",
        "date": "2020-01-06T05:00:00.000Z"
      "submissionType": "13F-HR",
      "summaryPage": {
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      "sourceReference": {
        "source": "filing",
        "filename": "0001536333-20-000001.txt",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2020-01-06T15:36:41.000Z",
        "ciks": [
      "coverPage": {
        "reportCalendarOrQuarter": "2019-12-31T05:00:00.000Z",
        "newOrAmendment": {
          "kind": "new"
        "filingManager": {
          "name": "DeGreen Capital Management LLC",
          "address": {
            "street1": "4800 N. SCOTTSDALE RD #1800",
            "city": "SCOTTSDALE",
            "stateOrCountry": "AZ",
            "zipCode": "85251"
        "reportType": "13F HOLDINGS REPORT",
        "form13FFileNumber": "028-18714",
        "otherManagers": [],
        "provideInformationForInstruction5": false
      "documents": [],
      "filerInformation": {
        "isDenovoRequest": false,
        "flags": {
          "isConfirmingCopy": false,
          "wantReturnCopy": false,
          "overrideInternet": false
        "filer": {
          "cik": "1536333"
        "notificationEmails": [],
        "periodOfReport": "2019-12-31T05:00:00.000Z"
      "informationTable": [
          "nameOfIssuer": "Vanguard",
          "titleOfClass": "Unit Ser I",
          "cusip": "921943858",
          "value": 24717,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 560987
          "investmentDiscretion": "SOLE",
          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 0,
            "shared": 0,
            "none": 560987
          "nameOfIssuer": "Vanguard",
          "titleOfClass": "Unit Ser I",
          "cusip": "922042858",
          "value": 21814,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 490542
          "investmentDiscretion": "SOLE",
          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 0,
            "shared": 0,
            "none": 490542
          "nameOfIssuer": "Index IQ",
          "titleOfClass": "Unit Ser I",
          "cusip": "45409B800",
          "value": 11931,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 359360
          "investmentDiscretion": "SOLE",
          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 0,
            "shared": 0,
            "none": 359360
          "nameOfIssuer": "iShares",
          "titleOfClass": "Unit Ser I",
          "cusip": "46429B655",
          "value": 16764,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 329227
          "investmentDiscretion": "SOLE",
          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 0,
            "shared": 0,
            "none": 329227
          "nameOfIssuer": "State Street",
          "titleOfClass": "Unit Ser I",
          "cusip": "78464A375",
          "value": 9658,
          "sharesOrPrincipalAmount": {
            "kind": "shares",
            "value": 273534
          "investmentDiscretion": "SOLE",
          "votingAuthority": {
            "sole": 0,
            "shared": 0,
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