Form D Data API

Notice of Exempt Offering of Securities

All Form D filings since 2003 (20 years)
Updated every few seconds
Up to 5,000 new records per month

The Form D Data API endpoint provides developers with a straightforward way to query and access data from SEC Form D filings. This endpoint allows you to search for filings using any Form D data point, such as filing date, entity type, or total amount sold, and returns structured JSON data for easy integration into your application.

API Endpoint

Supported HTTP methods: GET
Response content type: JSON

Use the API key on your user dashboard to authenticate your requests, using the key=[YOUR_API_KEY] query parameter:[YOUR_API_KEY]

Request Parameters

You can query the endpoint by any Form D property; see the Response Data Model below for a full list of available properties.

Request Parameters
Standard query parameters, all optional. See the API introduction for more details.
  • property[operator]value: Filter the data based on various data model properties, operators (=, <=, >=, !=, <, >) and values.
  • page: The page number for the set of results you want to retrieve.
  • count: The number of results per page.
  • sortBy: The field you want to sort the results by, in full dotted JSON path syntax.
  • sortOrder: The order you want to sort the results, asc for ascending and desc for descending order.
  • subdocuments: When set to true, for endpoints that contain subdocuments for each result (eg informationTable holdings in 13F data), limit these subdocuments to those that match the subdocument filter conditions.
Request Examples

Find Form D data with a Total Amount Sold of at least $500,000 and where the Investment Fund is a Private Equity Fund or Hedge Fund. No sort order will be specified, so data will be returned by filing date, most recent first.>=500000&offeringData.industryGroup.investmentFund.type=Private%20Equity%20Fund,Hedge%20Fund

Find Form D data with an Industry Group of Biotechnology, where the offering includes Equity. Sort the data by the Total Offering Amount, descending.

Response Data Model

Response type: JSON

The data model for each returned item closely resembles the XML of the original filing, converted to JSON syntax. Additionally a sourceReference property contains metadata about the original filing, including the date and CIK(s) of the filing company.

Property Type Enum Values Path
sourceReference object sourceReference
source string
filename string sourceReference.filename
url string sourceReference.url
date date
ciks string[] sourceReference.ciks
schemaVersion string schemaVersion
submissionType string
contact object contact
name string
phoneNumber string contact.phoneNumber
email string
notificationEmails string[] notificationEmails
primaryIssuer object primaryIssuer
cik string primaryIssuer.cik
entityName string primaryIssuer.entityName
address object primaryIssuer.address
street1 string primaryIssuer.address.street1
street2 string primaryIssuer.address.street2
city string
stateOrCountry string primaryIssuer.address.stateOrCountry
zipCode string primaryIssuer.address.zipCode
phoneNumber string primaryIssuer.phoneNumber
jurisdictionOfIncorporation string primaryIssuer.jurisdictionOfIncorporation
previousNames string[] primaryIssuer.previousNames
previousNamesFromEDGAR string[] primaryIssuer.previousNamesFromEDGAR
typeOfEntity object primaryIssuer.typeOfEntity
kind string
value string
Business Trust
Limited Liability Company
Limited Partnership
yearOfIncorporation object primaryIssuer.yearOfIncorporation
period object primaryIssuer.yearOfIncorporation.period
kind string
value number primaryIssuer.yearOfIncorporation.period.value
issuers object[] issuers
cik string issuers.cik
entityName string issuers.entityName
address object issuers.address
street1 string issuers.address.street1
street2 string issuers.address.street2
city string
stateOrCountry string issuers.address.stateOrCountry
zipCode string issuers.address.zipCode
phoneNumber string issuers.phoneNumber
jurisdictionOfIncorporation string issuers.jurisdictionOfIncorporation
previousNames string[] issuers.previousNames
previousNamesFromEDGAR string[] issuers.previousNamesFromEDGAR
typeOfEntity object issuers.typeOfEntity
kind string
value string issuers.typeOfEntity.value
yearOfIncorporation object issuers.yearOfIncorporation
period object issuers.yearOfIncorporation.period
kind string
value number issuers.yearOfIncorporation.period.value
relatedPersons object[] relatedPersons
fullName object relatedPersons.fullName
firstName string relatedPersons.fullName.firstName
middleName string relatedPersons.fullName.middleName
lastName string relatedPersons.fullName.lastName
address object relatedPersons.address
street1 string relatedPersons.address.street1
street2 string relatedPersons.address.street2
city string
stateOrCountry string relatedPersons.address.stateOrCountry
zipCode string relatedPersons.address.zipCode
relationships string[] relatedPersons.relationships
clarificationOfResponse string relatedPersons.clarificationOfResponse
offeringData object offeringData
industryGroup object offeringData.industryGroup
type string
Airlines and Airports
Business Services
Coal Mining
Commercial Banking
Energy Conservation
Health Insurance
Hospitals and Physicians
Investment Banking
Lodging and Conventions
Oil and Gas
Other Banking and Financial Services
Other Energy
Other Health Care
Other Real Estate
Other Technology
Other Travel
Pooled Investment Fund
REITS and Finance
Tourism and Travel Services
investmentFund object offeringData.industryGroup.investmentFund
type string
Hedge Fund
Other Investment Fund
Private Equity Fund
Venture Capital Fund
is40Act boolean offeringData.industryGroup.investmentFund.is40Act
issuerSize object offeringData.issuerSize
kind string
value string
$1 - $1,000,000
$1 - $5,000,000
$1,000,001 - $5,000,000
$25,000,001 - $100,000,000
$25,000,001 - $50,000,000
$5,000,001 - $25,000,000
$50,000,001 - $100,000,000
Decline to Disclose
No Aggregate Net Asset Value
No Revenues
Not Applicable
Over $100,000,000
federalExemptionsExclusions string[] offeringData.federalExemptionsExclusions
typeOfFiling object offeringData.typeOfFiling
newOrAmendment object offeringData.typeOfFiling.newOrAmendment
kind string
previousAccessionNumber string offeringData.typeOfFiling.newOrAmendment.previousAccessionNumber
dateOfFirstSale object offeringData.typeOfFiling.dateOfFirstSale
kind string
value date offeringData.typeOfFiling.dateOfFirstSale.value
isDurationMoreThanOneYear boolean offeringData.isDurationMoreThanOneYear
typesOfSecuritiesOffered object offeringData.typesOfSecuritiesOffered
isEquity boolean offeringData.typesOfSecuritiesOffered.isEquity
isDebt boolean offeringData.typesOfSecuritiesOffered.isDebt
isOptionToAcquire boolean offeringData.typesOfSecuritiesOffered.isOptionToAcquire
isSecurityToBeAcquired boolean offeringData.typesOfSecuritiesOffered.isSecurityToBeAcquired
isPooledInvestmentFund boolean offeringData.typesOfSecuritiesOffered.isPooledInvestmentFund
isTenantInCommon boolean offeringData.typesOfSecuritiesOffered.isTenantInCommon
isMineralProperty boolean offeringData.typesOfSecuritiesOffered.isMineralProperty
otherType string offeringData.typesOfSecuritiesOffered.otherType
businessCombinationTransaction object offeringData.businessCombinationTransaction
isBusinessCombinationTransaction boolean offeringData.businessCombinationTransaction.isBusinessCombinationTransaction
clarificationOfResponse string offeringData.businessCombinationTransaction.clarificationOfResponse
minimumInvestmentAccepted number offeringData.minimumInvestmentAccepted
salesCompensationRecipients object[] offeringData.salesCompensationRecipients
name string
crdNumber string offeringData.salesCompensationRecipients.crdNumber
associatedBrokerOrDealerName string offeringData.salesCompensationRecipients.associatedBrokerOrDealerName
associatedBrokerOrDealerCRDNumber string offeringData.salesCompensationRecipients.associatedBrokerOrDealerCRDNumber
address object offeringData.salesCompensationRecipients.address
street1 string offeringData.salesCompensationRecipients.address.street1
street2 string offeringData.salesCompensationRecipients.address.street2
city string
stateOrCountry string offeringData.salesCompensationRecipients.address.stateOrCountry
zipCode string offeringData.salesCompensationRecipients.address.zipCode
statesOfSolicitation object offeringData.salesCompensationRecipients.statesOfSolicitation
kind string
value string[] offeringData.salesCompensationRecipients.statesOfSolicitation.value
hasForeignSolicitation boolean offeringData.salesCompensationRecipients.hasForeignSolicitation
totalAndSalesAmounts object offeringData.totalAndSalesAmounts
totalAmount object offeringData.totalAndSalesAmounts.totalAmount
kind string
value number offeringData.totalAndSalesAmounts.totalAmount.value
totalAmountSold number offeringData.totalAndSalesAmounts.totalAmountSold
totalAmountRemaining object offeringData.totalAndSalesAmounts.totalAmountRemaining
kind string
value number offeringData.totalAndSalesAmounts.totalAmountRemaining.value
clarificationOfResponse string offeringData.totalAndSalesAmounts.clarificationOfResponse
investors object offeringData.investors
numberOfNonAccreditedInvestors number offeringData.investors.numberOfNonAccreditedInvestors
totalNumberAlreadyInvested number offeringData.investors.totalNumberAlreadyInvested
salesCommissionsAndFindersFees object offeringData.salesCommissionsAndFindersFees
salesCommissions object offeringData.salesCommissionsAndFindersFees.salesCommissions
value number offeringData.salesCommissionsAndFindersFees.salesCommissions.value
isEstimate boolean offeringData.salesCommissionsAndFindersFees.salesCommissions.isEstimate
findersFees object offeringData.salesCommissionsAndFindersFees.findersFees
value number offeringData.salesCommissionsAndFindersFees.findersFees.value
isEstimate boolean offeringData.salesCommissionsAndFindersFees.findersFees.isEstimate
clarificationOfResponse string offeringData.salesCommissionsAndFindersFees.clarificationOfResponse
useOfProceeds object offeringData.useOfProceeds
grossProceedsUsed object offeringData.useOfProceeds.grossProceedsUsed
value number offeringData.useOfProceeds.grossProceedsUsed.value
isEstimate boolean offeringData.useOfProceeds.grossProceedsUsed.isEstimate
clarificationOfResponse string offeringData.useOfProceeds.clarificationOfResponse
signatureBlock object offeringData.signatureBlock
hasAuthorizedRepresentative boolean offeringData.signatureBlock.hasAuthorizedRepresentative
signatures object[] offeringData.signatureBlock.signatures
issuerName string offeringData.signatureBlock.signatures.issuerName
text string offeringData.signatureBlock.signatures.text
name string
title string offeringData.signatureBlock.signatures.title
date date

Response Example

  "data": [
      "sourceReference": {
        "source": "filing",
        "filename": "0001798506-20-000001.txt",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2020-01-02T16:55:13.000Z",
        "ciks": [
      "issuers": [],
      "notificationEmails": [],
      "offeringData": {
        "industryGroup": {
          "type": "Other Technology"
        "issuerSize": {
          "kind": "revenueRange",
          "value": "Decline to Disclose"
        "federalExemptionsExclusions": [
        "typeOfFiling": {
          "newOrAmendment": {
            "kind": "new"
          "dateOfFirstSale": {
            "kind": "date",
            "value": "2019-12-18T05:00:00.000Z"
        "isDurationMoreThanOneYear": false,
        "typesOfSecuritiesOffered": {
          "isEquity": true,
          "isDebt": false,
          "isOptionToAcquire": false,
          "isSecurityToBeAcquired": false,
          "isPooledInvestmentFund": false,
          "isTenantInCommon": false,
          "isMineralProperty": false
        "businessCombinationTransaction": {
          "isBusinessCombinationTransaction": false
        "minimumInvestmentAccepted": 0,
        "salesCompensationRecipients": [],
        "totalAndSalesAmounts": {
          "totalAmount": {
            "kind": "amount",
            "value": 12000000
          "totalAmountSold": 2400000,
          "totalAmountRemaining": {
            "kind": "amount",
            "value": 9600000
        "investors": {
          "numberOfNonAccreditedInvestors": 0,
          "totalNumberAlreadyInvested": 3
        "salesCommissionsAndFindersFees": {
          "salesCommissions": {
            "value": 0,
            "isEstimate": false
          "findersFees": {
            "value": 0,
            "isEstimate": false
        "useOfProceeds": {
          "grossProceedsUsed": {
            "value": 0,
            "isEstimate": false
        "signatureBlock": {
          "hasAuthorizedRepresentative": false,
          "signatures": [
              "issuerName": "Tesseract Ventures, LLC",
              "text": "John Boucard",
              "name": "John Boucard",
              "title": "Chief Executive Officer",
              "date": "2020-01-02T05:00:00.000Z"
      "primaryIssuer": {
        "cik": "1798506",
        "entityName": "Tesseract Ventures, LLC",
        "address": {
          "street1": "201 W 135TH STREET",
          "city": "KANSAS CITY",
          "stateOrCountry": "MO",
          "zipCode": "64145"
        "phoneNumber": "816-287-0599",
        "jurisdictionOfIncorporation": "DELAWARE",
        "previousNames": [],
        "previousNamesFromEDGAR": [],
        "typeOfEntity": {
          "kind": "enum",
          "value": "Limited Liability Company"
        "yearOfIncorporation": {
          "period": {
            "kind": "withinLastFiveYears",
            "value": 2018
      "relatedPersons": [
          "fullName": {
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Boucard"
          "address": {
            "street1": "201 W 135th Street",
            "city": "Kansas City",
            "stateOrCountry": "MO",
            "zipCode": "64145"
          "relationships": [
            "Executive Officer",
          "fullName": {
            "firstName": "David",
            "lastName": "Oliver"
          "address": {
            "street1": "201 W 135th Street",
            "city": "Kansas City",
            "stateOrCountry": "MO",
            "zipCode": "64145"
          "relationships": [
          "fullName": {
            "firstName": "Terrence",
            "lastName": "Dunn"
          "address": {
            "street1": "201 W 135th Street",
            "city": "Kansas City",
            "stateOrCountry": "MO",
            "zipCode": "64145"
          "relationships": [
          "fullName": {
            "firstName": "Kevin",
            "lastName": "Rauckman"
          "address": {
            "street1": "201 W 135th Street",
            "city": "Kansas City",
            "stateOrCountry": "MO",
            "zipCode": "64145"
          "relationships": [
          "fullName": {
            "firstName": "Kevin",
            "lastName": "McGinnis"
          "address": {
            "street1": "201 W 135th Street",
            "city": "Kansas City",
            "stateOrCountry": "MO",
            "zipCode": "64145"
          "relationships": [
      "schemaVersion": "X0708",
      "submissionType": "D"
      "sourceReference": {
        "source": "filing",
        "filename": "0001798494-20-000001.txt",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2020-01-02T15:02:41.000Z",
        "ciks": [
      "issuers": [],
      "notificationEmails": [],
      "offeringData": {
        "industryGroup": {
          "type": "REITS and Finance"
        "issuerSize": {
          "kind": "revenueRange",
          "value": "Decline to Disclose"
        "federalExemptionsExclusions": [
        "typeOfFiling": {
          "newOrAmendment": {
            "kind": "new"
          "dateOfFirstSale": {
            "kind": "date",
            "value": "2019-12-20T05:00:00.000Z"
        "isDurationMoreThanOneYear": false,
        "typesOfSecuritiesOffered": {
          "isEquity": true,
          "isDebt": false,
          "isOptionToAcquire": false,
          "isSecurityToBeAcquired": false,
          "isPooledInvestmentFund": false,
          "isTenantInCommon": false,
          "isMineralProperty": false
        "businessCombinationTransaction": {
          "isBusinessCombinationTransaction": false
        "minimumInvestmentAccepted": 1000,
        "salesCompensationRecipients": [
            "name": "Charles Harrison",
            "crdNumber": "3071551",
            "associatedBrokerOrDealerName": "H & L Equities, LLC",
            "associatedBrokerOrDealerCRDNumber": "113794",
            "address": {
              "street1": "1175 Peachtree St., NE",
              "street2": "100 Colony Square, Suite 2200",
              "city": "Atlanta",
              "stateOrCountry": "GA",
              "zipCode": "30361"
            "statesOfSolicitation": {
              "kind": "states",
              "value": [
            "hasForeignSolicitation": false
            "name": "Lori Mayfield",
            "crdNumber": "4899271",
            "associatedBrokerOrDealerName": "H & L Equities, LLC",
            "associatedBrokerOrDealerCRDNumber": "113794",
            "address": {
              "street1": "1175 Peachtree St., NE",
              "street2": "100 Colony Square, Suite 2200",
              "city": "Atlanta",
              "stateOrCountry": "GA",
              "zipCode": "30361"
            "statesOfSolicitation": {
              "kind": "states",
              "value": [
            "hasForeignSolicitation": false
            "name": "Patrick Whelchel",
            "crdNumber": "5389090",
            "associatedBrokerOrDealerName": "H & L Equities, LLC",
            "associatedBrokerOrDealerCRDNumber": "113794",
            "address": {
              "street1": "1175 Peachtree St., NE",
              "street2": "100 Colony Square, Suite 2200",
              "city": "Atlanta",
              "stateOrCountry": "GA",
              "zipCode": "30361"
            "statesOfSolicitation": {
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              "value": [
            "hasForeignSolicitation": false
            "name": "Scott Harrison",
            "crdNumber": "4981070",
            "associatedBrokerOrDealerName": "H & L Equities, LLC",
            "associatedBrokerOrDealerCRDNumber": "113794",
            "address": {
              "street1": "1175 Peachtree St., NE",
              "street2": "100 Colony Square, Suite 2200",
              "city": "Atlanta",
              "stateOrCountry": "GA",
              "zipCode": "30361"
            "statesOfSolicitation": {
              "kind": "states",
              "value": [
            "hasForeignSolicitation": false
            "name": "Charles Mathes",
            "crdNumber": "5980160",
            "associatedBrokerOrDealerName": "H & L Equities, LLC",
            "associatedBrokerOrDealerCRDNumber": "113794",
            "address": {
              "street1": "1175 Peachtree St., NE",
              "street2": "100 Colony Square, Suite 2200",
              "city": "Atlanta",
              "stateOrCountry": "GA",
              "zipCode": "30361"
            "statesOfSolicitation": {
              "kind": "states",
              "value": [
            "hasForeignSolicitation": false
        "totalAndSalesAmounts": {
          "totalAmount": {
            "kind": "amount",
            "value": 125000
          "totalAmountSold": 125000,
          "totalAmountRemaining": {
            "kind": "amount",
            "value": 0
        "investors": {
          "numberOfNonAccreditedInvestors": 0,
          "totalNumberAlreadyInvested": 125
        "salesCommissionsAndFindersFees": {
          "salesCommissions": {
            "value": 6250,
            "isEstimate": false
          "findersFees": {
            "value": 0,
            "isEstimate": false
        "useOfProceeds": {
          "grossProceedsUsed": {
            "value": 0,
            "isEstimate": false
        "signatureBlock": {
          "hasAuthorizedRepresentative": false,
          "signatures": [
              "issuerName": "T&C Crossing R2G REIT LLC",
              "text": "Brian Harper",
              "name": "Brian Harper",
              "title": "President and Chief Executive Officer",
              "date": "2020-01-02T05:00:00.000Z"
      "primaryIssuer": {
        "cik": "1798494",
        "entityName": "T&C Crossing R2G REIT LLC",
        "address": {
          "street1": "C/O RPT REALTY",
          "street2": "19 WEST 44TH STREET, SUITE 1002",
          "city": "NEW YORK",
          "stateOrCountry": "NY",
          "zipCode": "10036"
        "phoneNumber": "222-212-7139",
        "jurisdictionOfIncorporation": "DELAWARE",
        "previousNames": [],
        "previousNamesFromEDGAR": [],
        "typeOfEntity": {
          "kind": "enum",
          "value": "Limited Liability Company"
        "yearOfIncorporation": {
          "period": {
            "kind": "withinLastFiveYears",
            "value": 2019
      "relatedPersons": [
          "fullName": {
            "firstName": "N/A",
            "lastName": "R2G Manager LLC"
          "address": {
            "street1": "c/o RPT Realty",
            "street2": "19 West 44th Street, Suite 1002",
            "city": "New York",
            "stateOrCountry": "NY",
            "zipCode": "10036"
          "relationships": [
          "clarificationOfResponse": "Manager of the Issuer"
          "fullName": {
            "firstName": "N/A",
            "lastName": "R2G Venture LLC"
          "address": {
            "street1": "c/o RPT Realty",
            "street2": "19 West 44th Street, Suite 1002",
            "city": "New York",
            "stateOrCountry": "NY",
            "zipCode": "10036"
          "relationships": [
          "fullName": {
            "firstName": "Brian",
            "lastName": "Harper"
          "address": {
            "street1": "c/o RPT Realty",
            "street2": "19 West 44th Street, Suite 1002",
            "city": "New York",
            "stateOrCountry": "NY",
            "zipCode": "10036"
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            "Executive Officer",
          "fullName": {
            "firstName": "Timothy",
            "lastName": "Collier"
          "address": {
            "street1": "c/o RPT Realty",
            "street2": "19 West 44th Street, Suite 1002",
            "city": "New York",
            "stateOrCountry": "NY",
            "zipCode": "10036"
          "relationships": [
            "Executive Officer",
          "fullName": {
            "firstName": "Jesse",
            "lastName": "Hom"
          "address": {
            "street1": "c/o GIC Real Estate, Inc.",
            "street2": "280 Park Avenue, 9th Floor",
            "city": "New York",
            "stateOrCountry": "NY",
            "zipCode": "10017"
          "relationships": [
          "fullName": {
            "firstName": "Michael",
            "lastName": "Fitzmaurice"
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            "street1": "c/o RPT Realty",
            "street2": "19 West 44th Street, Suite 1002",
            "city": "New York",
            "stateOrCountry": "NY",
            "zipCode": "10036"
          "relationships": [
            "Executive Officer"
          "fullName": {
            "firstName": "Raymond",
            "lastName": "Merk"
          "address": {
            "street1": "20750 Civic Center Drive, Suite 310",
            "city": "Southfield",
            "stateOrCountry": "MI",
            "zipCode": "48076"
          "relationships": [
            "Executive Officer"
      "schemaVersion": "X0708",
      "submissionType": "D"
      "sourceReference": {
        "source": "filing",
        "filename": "0001599298-20-000001.txt",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2020-01-02T21:39:14.000Z",
        "ciks": [
      "issuers": [],
      "notificationEmails": [],
      "offeringData": {
        "industryGroup": {
          "type": "Biotechnology"
        "issuerSize": {
          "kind": "revenueRange",
          "value": "Decline to Disclose"
        "federalExemptionsExclusions": [
        "typeOfFiling": {
          "newOrAmendment": {
            "kind": "new"
          "dateOfFirstSale": {
            "kind": "date",
            "value": "2019-12-24T05:00:00.000Z"
        "isDurationMoreThanOneYear": false,
        "typesOfSecuritiesOffered": {
          "isEquity": true,
          "isDebt": false,
          "isOptionToAcquire": true,
          "isSecurityToBeAcquired": false,
          "isPooledInvestmentFund": false,
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          "isMineralProperty": false
        "businessCombinationTransaction": {
          "isBusinessCombinationTransaction": false
        "minimumInvestmentAccepted": 0,
        "salesCompensationRecipients": [],
        "totalAndSalesAmounts": {
          "totalAmount": {
            "kind": "amount",
            "value": 47400000
          "totalAmountSold": 47400000,
          "totalAmountRemaining": {
            "kind": "amount",
            "value": 0
        "investors": {
          "numberOfNonAccreditedInvestors": 0,
          "totalNumberAlreadyInvested": 1
        "salesCommissionsAndFindersFees": {
          "salesCommissions": {
            "value": 0,
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          "findersFees": {
            "value": 0,
            "isEstimate": false
        "useOfProceeds": {
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            "value": 0,
            "isEstimate": false
        "signatureBlock": {
          "hasAuthorizedRepresentative": false,
          "signatures": [
              "issuerName": "Summit Therapeutics plc",
              "text": "/s/ Glyn Edwards",
              "name": "Glyn Edwards",
              "title": "Chief Executive Officer",
              "date": "2020-01-02T05:00:00.000Z"
      "primaryIssuer": {
        "cik": "1599298",
        "entityName": "Summit Therapeutics plc",
        "address": {
          "street1": "136A EASTERN AVENUE",
          "street2": "MILTON PARK",
          "city": "ABINGDON",
          "stateOrCountry": "X0",
          "zipCode": "OX14 4SB"
        "phoneNumber": "44-123-544-3939",
        "jurisdictionOfIncorporation": "UNITED KINGDOM",
        "previousNames": [],
        "previousNamesFromEDGAR": [
          "Summit Corp plc"
        "typeOfEntity": {
          "kind": "enum",
          "value": "Corporation"
        "yearOfIncorporation": {
          "period": {
            "kind": "overFiveYearsAgo"
      "relatedPersons": [
          "fullName": {
            "firstName": "Glyn",
            "lastName": "Edwards"
          "address": {
            "street1": "136A Eastern Avenue",
            "street2": "Milton Park",
            "city": "Abingdon",
            "stateOrCountry": "X0",
            "zipCode": "OX14 4SB"
          "relationships": [
            "Executive Officer",
          "fullName": {
            "firstName": "David",
            "lastName": "Roblin"
          "address": {
            "street1": "136A Eastern Avenue",
            "street2": "Milton Park",
            "city": "Abingdon",
            "stateOrCountry": "X0",
            "zipCode": "OX14 4SB"
          "relationships": [
            "Executive Officer"
          "fullName": {
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